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Before you start cooking, ensure that the barbecue is very hot and that the grill rack is at the correct height. An easy way to gauge the heat is to hold out your hand above the grill rack. If you can keep it there for only
2—3 seconds, the barbecue is hot enough to sear meat – any longer, and it is not hot enough.
Hinged wire grill baskets are useful for cooking smaller items, which would otherwise fall through the grill rack. They also enable you to turn a whole fish without the risk of it breaking up.
Try to resist the temptation to prod at steaks and burgers while they are cooking because this will cause the juices to drain away, making the meat dry.
Use a wire brush to remove burnt-on food and debris from the grill rack between batches and to give it a final scrub when you have finished cooking. It is easier to clean the grill rack while it is still warm.
For an easy way to oil the grill rack while cooking, soak a wad of kitchen paper in oil, grasp with long-handled tongs and rub firmly over the rack.
Wooden skewers should be soaked in cold water for 30 minutes before using to prevent them from burning.