Vietnamese shrimp cake

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Vietnamese shrimp cake



»  1/2 tsp turmeric »  lettuce, handful soya bean sprouts
»  2 large sweet potatoes, peeled, »  fresh herbs (coriander, mint 
     washed, julienned     large shiso leaves, Thai basil…)
»  oil for deep-fried cake »  300 ml Nuoc Cham
»  10 scampi, unpeeled  
»  400 g tempura batter  


Vietnamese shrimp cake



1  Dilute the tempura with water as recommended on the pack (or a little less water than recommended). Season the tempura to taste with salt, pepper and the turmeric.

2  Add the potato julienne to the tempura batter.

3  Heat the oil to 175 Oc.

4  Fill a large spoon with the battered potato julienne and let it slide into the hot oil. Make sure that the potato stays together as you put it in the oil.

5  Pull a scampi through the batter and put it quickly on top of the potato in the hot oil. Make sure they stick together.

6  Wrap the deep-fried snack in lettuce leaves, add a few soya bean sprouts and herbs and dip this in Nuoc Cham sauce.