Prime Rib of Beef

Short Menu

Prime Rib of Beef

prime rib of beef

prep: 30 mins, plus chlling and resting
cook: 2,3 hours, pluus resting


4 kg/9 lb rib of beef on the bone,
trimmed and tied
2h tbsp softened butter
(or 1/2 tbsp per rib bone)
salt and pepper
horseradish sauce
6 tbsp creamed horseradish
6 tbsp soured cream
1. To make the sauce, mix the horseradish and sour cream together in a small bowl. Cover with clingfilm and chill until required.
2. Transfer the beef in a large roasting tin. Rub the entire surface of the meat with butter and season generously with salt and pepper. Put at room temperature for 2 hours.
3. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 2300C/4500F/Gas Mark 8. Put the meat in the preheated oven and roast for 20 minutes to seal the outside. Then reduce the oven temperature to 1600C/3250F/Gas Mark 3 and roast for 2 hours, until the temperature of the meat reaches 43-460C/110-1150F when tested with a meat thermometer, for medium-rare, or until cooked to your liking.
4. Set aside to rest for 25 minutes before serving. While resting the meat will continue to cook – for medium-rare the final internal temperature will be approximately